The Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of Africa (UCESA) brings together the consultative assemblies of African countries, each country being represented by an institution, and ensures the representation of African councils before national and international institutions and organizations.

UCESA represents the continent on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (IAESCSI).

It has its seat in the ESC of the country that holds the presidency.

1994 :
Creation of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of Africa (UCESA) during the constitutive General Assembly in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).
2001 :
Amendment of the Statutes during the Extraordinary General Assembly in Cotonou (Benin)
2021 :
Amendment of the Articles of Association and internal regulations during the Extraordinary General Meeting of July 13, 2021.


The aims of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions in Africa are to:

To implement a dynamic with a view to the effective involvement of economic and social councils and similar institutions in the process of African integration;

Work towards bringing African countries closer together to form coherent and viable economic and social entities, in accordance with the Ouagadougou Declaration;

Encourage the examination of subjects of common interest falling within their competence and forming part of the desire for democratic dialogue within and between the players in the economic and social life of their countries;

Organize periodic meetings, conferences or meetings in order to identify working themes and to exchange reflections;

To encourage the creation of new economic and social councils in Africa;

Establish privileged relations with the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (IAESCSI), the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and other regional groups.


The President of UCESA, elected for a term of two years:

Represents UCESA in all circumstances and in all places;

Convenes and chairs the meetings of the organs;

Shall ensure the application of the Statutes and Rules of Procedure and shall be the authorising officer of the Union's budget;

May delegate its functions to one of the Vice-Presidents depending on the geographical area or subject matter to be dealt with;

Acts as treasurer and, as such, collects and settles budgeted expenditures.
Le renouvellement du mandat de Président se fait par rotation entre les sous-régions et nécessairement par rotation entre tous les membres de l’Union.